My Worry-FREE Kid

Learn How to Support Your Child in Facing Their Anxious Thinking and How Your Good Intentions May Be Making It WORSE

  • Learn what childhood anxiety REALLY is, and how your child's brain may work differently 

  • Learn why some kids struggle with childhood anxiety, while others don't

  • Learn how you are NOT the cause of your child's anxiety, but you may be inadvertently adding to the problem

  • Learn how avoiding the anxiety will NEVER solve your child's anxiety problem,  and may even make it MORE severe over time

  • Learn how to support your child in facing the anxiety, rather than helping him avoid it
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BONUS: FREE access to the My Worry-Free Kid Mini Course. Go even deeper into the concepts in the book, and get even more insight from the author as she explains how you can help your child face their anxiety, take back their personal power, and recreate PEACE in your family and home!


We often work with concerned and loving parents who are frustrated because they know they aren’t getting the results they need where their anxious child is concerned.

They know that something is "off" with their child, but are not quite sure if their child needs professional care. They don’t know how to put all the pieces together.

They also know that they don't just want to hand their child over to an industry that can often keep a client in the system for years.  They are looking for an answer, a solution, one that THEY can be a part of, without watching from behind the glass. 

 For parents whose children are either already in the system, or on a waiting list to be seen, we give them a voice, and help them to be heard when it comes to how things will proceed.


We teach parents how to take back control of their family and home life, by giving them the skills necessary to support their anxious child, rather than accommodate him or her.

We coach parents how to implement the tools we give, step-by-step, so that they can stop making well-meaning mistakes, and start helping their child take the necessary steps to face their anxiety, instead of helping them avoid it.


Helping parents to make positive shifts and help their children get back to living their best life is what we do.

Setting them free to realize they have the power to effect real change with their own child is who we are.

Founder of My Worry-Free Kid™

Kara Czerniak

Kara’s story begins in Pennsylvania growing up poor in a rural countryside.  Trapped by her economic conditions and surroundings, she quickly realized at a young age her only tools for escape were her intellect, determination and grit.

Putting herself through college, she graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. The next 20 years would bring the start of a family business that was by most standards successful. Starting out as the behind-the-scenes partner, she decided to return to the fold and introduce her own spin -- incorporating her psychology background and experience into her work with children. Through this pursuit, she found that her systems were creating unexpected and major changes in the psyche and the behavior of the kids she was teaching, and were especially helpful to kids experiencing shyness or anxiety.

She decided to pursue her Master's Degree in Positive Psychology and Coaching, and had plans on creating confidence programs for children. In her research, she realized the piece that every other program seemed to be missing - and that was a program that was specifically made for the PARENTS.

And in doing so, she discovered her purpose and why she was put on this earth:

To help parents see that they have the power to help their own children, and are EQUALLY AS important to their child's recovery process as ANY professional!

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